Role of Dairy Cooperatives in Development: A Case Study of Haryana


  • Dakshita, Dr. Pardeep Kumar Sharma Department of Geography, Baba Mastnath University, Asthal Bohar, Rohtak


Dairy Cooperatives, Economic Dimensions, Sustainable Development Goals, Lessons Learned, India


The study was an attempt to analyze contribution of Dairy Cooperatives (DCs) to economic dimension of development and to draw lessons to strengthen contribution of Dairy Cooperatives (DCs) to economic dimension of Development, and to suggest recommendations to enhance role and recognition of Dairy Cooperatives (DCs) in achieving Development Goals.



How to Cite

Dakshita, Dr. Pardeep Kumar Sharma. (2022). Role of Dairy Cooperatives in Development: A Case Study of Haryana. International Journal of New Media Studies: International Peer Reviewed Scholarly Indexed Journal, 9(2), 20–23. Retrieved from