Phytoremediation Technology: Heavy Metals Uptake by Plants


  • Deepika Sharma, Shobha Gupta, Rashmi Singh


Phytoremediation, technology


Heavy metal contamination is one of the biggest environmental issues of our time as a result of the industrialization of many nations. Heavy metals, which also contribute to a number of severe diseases, have toxic effects on human health. Diverse methods have been employed to remove heavy metal contamination from the environment, however these processes have limitations such high cost, protracted process periods, logistical problems, and mechanical complexity.


Phytoremediation, a technology that uses plants that accumulate metals, has the potential to replace the heavy metal remediation process due to its advantages. Environmentally advantageous, cost- effective and safe. According to past studies, the heavy metal phytore mediation technique can utilize a variety of plants with a high potential for bio accumulating heavy metals.




How to Cite

Deepika Sharma, Shobha Gupta, Rashmi Singh. (2023). Phytoremediation Technology: Heavy Metals Uptake by Plants. International Journal of New Media Studies: International Peer Reviewed Scholarly Indexed Journal, 10(1), 17–19. Retrieved from