Understanding Consumer Behavior and Considerations in Purchasing Lenovo Laptops


  • Ms. Mansi, Mr. Ashwani, Mr. Mohit


Purchasing Lenovo Laptops


Background and Rationale for the Study:


The technological landscape has seen exponential growth, particularly in the realm of personal computing devices. Lenovo, a prominent player in the laptop market, faces an ever-evolving consumer base with varied preferences and purchasing behaviors. Understanding the intricate details of consumer behavior and the factors guiding their purchase decisions is crucial for Lenovo's strategic positioning. This study aims to dissect the complex web of consumer motivations and market trends shaping the purchasing habits related to Lenovo laptops.



How to Cite

Ms. Mansi, Mr. Ashwani, Mr. Mohit. (2022). Understanding Consumer Behavior and Considerations in Purchasing Lenovo Laptops. International Journal of New Media Studies: International Peer Reviewed Scholarly Indexed Journal, 9(1), 18–20. Retrieved from https://ijnms.com/index.php/ijnms/article/view/214