Integrated Sensor System for Monitoring Stereotypic Behavior in Autism Spectrum Disorder


  • S. Sindhuja, Dr. Chitravalavan


Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Language, Chain learning and Accelerometer.


AUTISM spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by social and communication impairments and restricted and Stereotyped behaviors. This repetitive, fixed pattern of behavior is associated with autism. There are a wide range of behaviors mentioned as stereotypies. It usually starts in early childhood and its severity is associated with outcomes and severity of autism continues adolescence and adulthood. It is usuallycomorbid with other psychiatric problems and its pathophysiology is not exactly known. However, promising new ideas and evidence are emerging from neurobiology and developmental psychology that identify neural adaptation, lack of environmental stimulation, arousal, and adaptive functions as key factors for the onset and maintenance of Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors (RRBs).



How to Cite

S. Sindhuja, Dr. Chitravalavan. (2024). Integrated Sensor System for Monitoring Stereotypic Behavior in Autism Spectrum Disorder. International Journal of New Media Studies: International Peer Reviewed Scholarly Indexed Journal, 11(1), 26–35. Retrieved from