A Voice That Being Held in a Prison Cell


  • P. V Nirmala Devi


Prison Cell


A human is not inherently a criminal but is influenced by the circumstances encountered throughout his life. Not every criminal act is morally reprehensible; some may constitute acts of self-defense. From the evolutionary transition from apes to Homo sapiens, humans have continually adapted to changing environments and situations. Survival instincts have driven behaviors such as hunting and resource accumulation. Societal norms of peace have emerged from the need to resolve conflicts, leading to the development of civilization and social organization based on cultural differences.



How to Cite

P. V Nirmala Devi. (2021). A Voice That Being Held in a Prison Cell. International Journal of New Media Studies: International Peer Reviewed Scholarly Indexed Journal, 8(2), 11–12. Retrieved from https://ijnms.com/index.php/ijnms/article/view/257