Platformization of News Media: Liberalizing Journalism at Regional Stage


  • Harsh Vardhan Dubey, Dr. Loknath


Regional Stage, Liberalizing Journalism


This paper investigates the platformization of news media and its impact on journalism, focusing on the Gorakhpur Division in Uttar Pradesh, India. The study examines how digital and social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have transformed news production, making it multidirectional and fostering greater interaction between content creators, audiences, and advertisers. The research highlights that even hyperlocal and regional media outlets are increasingly adopting platform-based news production, driven by the need to adapt to the evolving digital landscape.



How to Cite

Harsh Vardhan Dubey, Dr. Loknath. (2024). Platformization of News Media: Liberalizing Journalism at Regional Stage. International Journal of New Media Studies: International Peer Reviewed Scholarly Indexed Journal, 11(2), 1–2. Retrieved from