Enhancing Accessibility of Web Forms through Generative AI Technologies


  • Pradeep Kumar Saraswathi


Web Forms, Generative AI, Assistive Tech- nologies, Web development


This manuscript delves into the primary obstacles faced in creating accessible web forms and explores potential so- lutions facilitated by generative AI technologies. Key challenges include ensuring proper labeling and instructions, optimizing keyboard navigation, providing clear error identification and handling, managing focus effectively, addressing visual design considerations, using placeholder text appropriately, ensuring compatibility with assistive technologies, handling complex input types, maintaining responsive design, reducing cognitive load, and conducting continuous testing and validation. Each challenge is analyzed to highlight its impact on accessibility, and innovative approaches using generative AI are proposed to address these issues.



How to Cite

Pradeep Kumar Saraswathi. (2024). Enhancing Accessibility of Web Forms through Generative AI Technologies. International Journal of New Media Studies: International Peer Reviewed Scholarly Indexed Journal, 11(1), 69–72. Retrieved from https://ijnms.com/index.php/ijnms/article/view/263