Multiculturalism & Diversity in a Global Context: An Overview


  • Dr. H Thopesha


Multiculturalism, democratic, cultural, identities, communities, minority and discrimination and diversity


Multiculturalism begins with the understanding that granting equal civil and political rights was important achievement within democracy, but it has not adequately addressed issue of discrimination in society. Marginalized cultural communities, as minorities, continue to be disadvantaged even within the democratic nation-state. Culture-based discrimination exists even in the most advanced liberal politics of the west, and it cannot be redressed simply by giving identical rights to all persons as citizens. What we need instead are a set of special arrangements that enable minority cultures to survive and flourish in the public arena.



How to Cite

Dr. H Thopesha. (2018). Multiculturalism & Diversity in a Global Context: An Overview. International Journal of New Media Studies: International Peer Reviewed Scholarly Indexed Journal, 5(1), 51–54. Retrieved from