Guru Nanak: The Evolution of the Guru Tradition in Sikhism


  • Dr. Krishna Karabari


Sikhism, Nirvana, Equality, Liberation, Religion, Spiritual God and Knowledge


Guru Nanak was one of the first ten Sikh gurus. Guru Nanak's teachings on unity, equality, and devotion deeply formed Sikhism and the Bhakti movement. The paper highlights the Nirvana is the absolute, supra-mundane experience.  Guru Gobind Singh reasserted the idea of equality. The paper stressed that the path to spiritual awakening and enlightenment involves deep devotion, and understanding. The paper focused that we earn by honest labour and share the earnings with the needy. He advocated the concept of “dasvandh” or donating one-tenth of one's earning among needy persons. The selfless service to mankind known as “Seva” is central to the teaching of Sikhism.  Guru Nanak's philosophy highlighted gender equality, recognizing the equal spiritual potential of both men and women.



How to Cite

Dr. Krishna Karabari. (2019). Guru Nanak: The Evolution of the Guru Tradition in Sikhism. International Journal of New Media Studies: International Peer Reviewed Scholarly Indexed Journal, 6(1), 38–40. Retrieved from