Entrepreneurial Development in India Doubling Farmer's Income by Creating Wealth from Farm Waste - Activated Carbon


  • Bharat Kumar Soni Research Scholar, Nehru Gram Bharti (Deemed To Be) University, Prayagraj (U.P.)


Farmer income, Farm waste Management, Carbon Production, Bio Carbon.


This Conference paper aims at proposing strategies farmers in India can use to double their income. Farming remains as an important industry across India and the world due to it producing food for nourishment yet many farmers fall under poverty and low income categories. This paper proposes strategies the farmers can adopt to help double their income. The proposed strategy involves carbonization of farm waste which can be sold to the industrial and domestic clients. Carbon in an important material which has multiple uses, the main uses include water filtration and carbon as a clean fuel source. Farmers across India mainly discard their farm waste after harvesting their crop and this farm waste can be converted in to valuable carbon which can be sold in the market and help the farmers generate surplus income thus helping also maximize the yield and income generated from their farming practice.



How to Cite

Bharat Kumar Soni. (2023). Entrepreneurial Development in India Doubling Farmer’s Income by Creating Wealth from Farm Waste - Activated Carbon. International Journal of New Media Studies: International Peer Reviewed Scholarly Indexed Journal, 10(1), 204–207. Retrieved from https://ijnms.com/index.php/ijnms/article/view/69