A very simple and cost effective IoT based Air Quality Monitoring System


  • Anirban Ghosal, Rohan C, Riya K, Shreya K, Aditi C, Srijoy B, Swarnavo C, Rohan D Electronics & Communication Engineering, JIS College of Engineering, MAKAUT, India


IoT, MQ135, MQ7, Thing speak.


Here, we proposed a system of measuring Air Quality using MQ135 sensor along with Carbon Monoxide CO using MQ7 sensor. Computing Air Quality is a significant part for carrying lot of consciousness in the people to take care of the upcoming generations a improved life. Our proposed system interfaced with IoT platforms like Thing speaks and set the dashboard to public such that everyone can come to know the Air Quality at the location where the system is mounted and will be enlighten a red LED and a green LED when the air quality goes up and down accordingly beyond a certain level when there are sufficient amount of harmful gases are present in the air like CO2, smoke, alcohol, benzene and NH3. It will show the air quality in PPM on the webpage so that we can monitor it very easily. The circuit consists of a simple connection and takes fewer components to have its own IoT based air pollution monitoring system.



How to Cite

Anirban Ghosal, Rohan C, Riya K, Shreya K, Aditi C, Srijoy B, Swarnavo C, Rohan D. (2023). A very simple and cost effective IoT based Air Quality Monitoring System. International Journal of New Media Studies: International Peer Reviewed Scholarly Indexed Journal, 10(1), 139–142. Retrieved from https://ijnms.com/index.php/ijnms/article/view/94