Simultaneous Approach for DOT and Integrated Multi Modal Planning


  • Pankaj Dahiya


Routing, coordinated operations, public transportation, intermodal coordination.


Numerous endeavors have been made to take care of transport course organize outline issues by part it in two phases, one for steering and the other for planning. A few scientists have influenced endeavors to take care of system to outline issues utilizing nontraditional improvement methods additionally, yet very little has been done on displaying facilitated tasks including exchanges starting with one mode then onto the next. In this examination, feeder courses and frequencies prompting plan coordination of feeder transports with principle travel are produced at the same time utilizing Genetic Algorithms. The planned timetables of feeder transports are resolved for the current given calendars of primary travel. In this way the created feeder courses and timetables are correlative to each other. The concentrated model demonstrate enhanced load factors on created courses and furthermore the general load factor is likewise enhanced significantly when contrasted with creators' before display.



How to Cite

Pankaj Dahiya. (2017). Simultaneous Approach for DOT and Integrated Multi Modal Planning. International Journal of New Media Studies: International Peer Reviewed Scholarly Indexed Journal, 4(2), 23–27. Retrieved from