Social Media Marketing: Shaping the New Business World


  • Ajay Zharotia Advertising Communication Specialist




In the earlier days, it was not that easy to connect with your friends, relatives, family members who are residing in various cities or nations, but now it can easily be done within minutes. There are numerous social networking sites such as Facebook, Google+, etc. which are easily used to connect with our family and friends. Even with these sites, one can get recent updates on their loved ones, see pictures, their activities, etc. and feel like they are still connected in a way. One can even use these social networking sites to increase their inner circle, include more people with similar interests and opinions. In short, the sites have made the world small to us and easier accessible as well.



How to Cite

Ajay Zharotia. (2018). Social Media Marketing: Shaping the New Business World. International Journal of New Media Studies: International Peer Reviewed Scholarly Indexed Journal, 5(1), 1–4. Retrieved from