Intelligent Internet of Medical of Things: Future Challenges


  • Vineet Kohli Gadhwal Technical College, India


IIOMT, IOT, Sensors, Healthcare


IIOMT includes medical sensors and other medical devices. The use of this technology helps
to improve patient's health outcomes, as well as reduce medical costs. For example, IOMT can
help to collect patient data, diagnose conditions and monitor treatment in real-time. Also, it can
help to improve operational efficiencies and reduce human errors. By using IOT medical
devices, healthcare providers can remotely monitor the health of their patients. This technology can also help to reduce the manpower required in a medical organization, as it can enable automation of some tasks. Additionally, with IOT, medical organizations can receive realtime alerts that can help to detect any potential issues in patient’s health.



How to Cite

Vineet Kohli. (2023). Intelligent Internet of Medical of Things: Future Challenges. International Journal of New Media Studies: International Peer Reviewed Scholarly Indexed Journal, 10(1), 87–91. Retrieved from